About Me

As an IT engineer, I have developed skills in web development (JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, React), as well as database maintenance (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQL server). I have also worked with Business Intelligence, Big Data and Scrum methodology in the area of software development.


Information Technology Engineer

2016 - 2020
Universidad Tecnologica de manzanillo

Engineering thesis topic Development and implementation of the transport module at tactical level.

  • Deep learning
  • Web development


Backend Developer

2021 Mar - Present

Develop APIS with symfony and return results in json to integrate to frontend.

Full stack developer

2020 Dec - 2021 Jan
Corporativo Internacional Especializado, Manzanillo col.

Develop and apply the skills of technical support, application developer and data analyst. Implemented as a core competency in charge of the integrity and implementation of web systems:

  • Human Resources documents management system (Laravel, SQL Server).
  • System for tracking of transports and administration of the company’s and a form for the creation of a pdf file for a quotations ​system. (Laravel, SQL Server).
  • Creation of a ticket system, in which the problems of the executives of the company are raised, and then follow the support of the ticket. (Laravel, MySQL).
  • Development of a system for the allocation of referrals by branch, at agency level. (Laravel, MYSQL, Firebird).

Backend Developer

2019 Jul - 2019 Oct
Magsan Motors, Manzanillo col.

Development and implementation of software to control some variables of the digital dashboard of the vehicle, which is one of the first vehicles in which this company is working. The technologies with which I developed the software of this board was with JAVA and some of its libraries, and the use of the computer board (Raspberry).

Technical Skills


JavaScript (Ajax, Json, JQuery)

Ruby on Rails







SQL Server


